-Comparing American independence to other countries -History of decentralization -What there is to be proud of Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski interviewed on the Joe Catenacci Show. This was broadcast on July 2,…
Browsing Category Interviews
Why Americans Don’t Have Cheap Flights
-Greek vacation paradise -Why Americans don’t have cheap flights -The need for sunset clauses on regulations -The NC vs. Juul lawsuit settlement and why it matters for vapers Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski…
Guest-Hosting Big Talker FM Morning Radio Show: June 16, 2021
On Wednesday, I had the privilege of hosting the morning radio program on Big Talker 106.7FM, Mornings with Joe Catenacci, while Joe took a much-needed break. You can find the entire program in audio format…
Stop the Tech Trustbusters, debating critical race theory, and Bitcoin in El Salvador | Yaël on Joe Catenacci Show Big Talker 106.7FM
-The most innovative countries: El Salvador embracing #bitcoin -Laboratories of democracy are vital to consumer choice -DEBATE: Should we ban critical race theory? Yaël says no, Joe says yes, especialy in schools -Antitrust actions will…
Gas Hoarders Anonymous (Yaël on Big Talker FM w/ Joe Catenacci)
-The Gas Shortage Zombie Apocalypse -The CDC’s recommendations and the state of scientists -Science as a process, not an institution -Fauci vs. Rand Paul and political semantics -Price Gouging laws -Elon Musk and Bitcoin mining:…
Consumer Choice Center EP71: One Dose Summer
-The Zombie Apocalypse Gas Shortage -US vs. Canada pipelines -Not talking about Israel-Palestine -Cable News is bad for your brain -Two movies, one screen -Fauci Vs. Rand Paul -Lab Leak Thesis -Origin of Covid —…
Here Comes the Menthol Police (Yaël on Big Talker FM w/ Joe Catenacci)
-Let’s take a moment to celebrate our diversity of choice in consumer products in America -The Biden admin supports the COVID vaccine IP waiver. Bad news for the vulnerable -The coming menthol ban and what…
United States Postal Spy Service, TRIPS Waiver, and more (Yaël on Big Talker FM w/ Joe Catenacci)
-Lockdown difference between the U.S. and Europe -The TRIPS waiver and the threat to COVID vaccine intellectual property and tech -The US Postal Service is a spy agency? Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski…
Earth Day Innovation (Yaël on Big Talker FM with Joe Catenacci)
-Celebrating Earth Day Innovation -Technology Neutrality: Electric Car Edition -Banning AI and facial recognition for law enforcement without a warrant -What happens when North Carolina reaches herd immunity? Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski…
Consumer Choice Radio EP68: Budget Bonanza (w/ Franco Terrazzano)
-The Derek Chauvin trial and aftermath -Are consumers getting the short stick on data and consumer privacy? -Make it closing time for Ontario’s beer monopoly and the Beer Store https://financialpost.com/opinion/david-clement-make-it-closing-time-for-ontarios-beer-monopoly INTERVIEW: Franco Terrazzano (@franco_nomics) -The…