“Trade for Yourself, Think for Yourself” Says Defector Yeonmi Park Yaël Ossowski | PanAmPost North Korean defector Yeonmi Park addresses the Oslo Freedom Forum on October 21, 2014. (YouTube) Among the many speeches I heard…
Browsing Category PanAm Post
Motley Crew of Fighters and Heroes Unite at Oslo Freedom Forum
HRF Brings New Level of Professionalism to Unofficial Dissident Capital Yaël Ossowski November 4, 2014 The streets of Oslo during the Oslo Freedom Forum. (PanAm Post) Though the world is strife with conflict, oppression, and…
Mario Vargas Llosa: “Latin America Has Never Been Freer than Today”
Famed Peruvian Author Imparts Wisdom for Next-Generation of Liberals By Yaël Ossowski October 28, 2014 | PanAm Post Standing tall behind the podium before the Italian crowd, famed Peruvian writer and Nobel laureate author Mario Vargas…
For an Independent Scotland, and a Free One Too
Dispatches from the Battleground in What Could Be a New Nation By Yaël Ossowski | September 12, 2014 | PANAM POST It’s been said we’re all witnesses to history. In just a few days, ordinary…
Exploring Scotland in the days before it votes to break away
A French-Canadian Visits the Nation Which Could Soon Become Free by Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post What is it like to cross a tract of land which may soon become a border between two countries?…
Quebec Seeks to Tax and Regulate AirBnb Out of Existence
Despite being popular with travelers and hosts alike, the government of Quebec is doing everything it can to stop AirBnb. (PanAm Post) Español By Yaël Ossowski – August 20, 2014 During a recent stint back…
End the War on Migrant Children
Federal Bureaucracy, Migration Criminalization Put Forward Nation’s Worst Face YAËL OSSOWSKI JULY 21, 2014 | PanAm Post A migrant attempts to cross the US-Mexico border fence. (Wikimedia) Español When families with young children escape the perils of…
Waging a “War on Terror” against FBI-Concocted Plots
Sting Operations Mislead US Public on Domestic Terrorism Threat By Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post If you’ve heard news about a domestic terrorist plot in the United States, it’s more than likely the federal government…
Why John Kerry’s Climate-Change Crusade Is Dangerous and Wrong
Obama’s Top Diplomat Leads with Doomsday Fiction, Follows with Policy Delusion By YAËL OSSOWSKI JUNE 4, 2014 PanAm Post John Kerry has made tackling climate change his top priority as US Secretary of State. It’s a mission doomed from…
Facebook Reaps Billions from Your Data: It’s Time to Unplug
Two Years After Facebook’s IPO, the Company Can No Longer Be Trusted By Yaël Ossowski — 20. May, 2014, PanAmerican Post On May 18, 2012, Facebook, the world’s most popular social networking website, was taken…