Michiganians voted Tuesday to introduce a new industry to the state that is expected to bring in $765 million in revenue over the next year and thousands of new jobs. What we’re talking about is…
Posts tagged michigan
Urban Exploring in Detroit
Stopping by the old, abandoned Packard Automotive Plant in Detroit, Michigan. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
National ethics group broke state laws to acquire signatures
By Yaël Ossowski | September 1, 2015 | Watchdog.org Wherever it campaigns for political ethics reform, the activist group Represent.us seems plagued by legal and ethical challenges of its own. Earlier this week, Watchdog.org reported…
Article on Reason.com: Michigan Lawmakers Pass Right-to-Work Law
Another article of mine was reprinted on Reason’s website, this time on Michigan passing “right-to-work” legislation. Reason is a libertarian magazine that features great commentary and analysis on the pressing issues of our day. Enjoy: Yaël Ossowski | Dec….
The History of ‘Right-to-Work’
As right-to-work laws are adopted in Michigan, we look back at the history of their inception, beginning with the National Labor Relations Act in 1935, giving unions formidable power in their negociations with employers.
Michigan becomes 24th ‘right-to-work’ state
IT’S THE LAW: Gov. Rick Snyder, right, speaks as Lt. Gov. Brian Calley listens Tuesday at a news conference in Lansing, Mich., after signing the right-to-work law. (AP photo) By Yaël Ossowski | Watchdog.org LANSING,…
Michigan lawmakers pass ‘right-to-work’ law
EN MASSE: Thousands of demonstrators gather Tuesday outside the State Capitol in Lansing, Mich., protesting a right-to-work vote. (AP photo) By Yaël Ossowski | Watchdog.org LANSING — Overcoming the large crowds that have descended upon the…