-The Hemp revolution could be just around the corner and North Carolina could benefit -How was President Trump for consumers? -Could we have had more competition in healthcare? What is the best position on trade…
Posts tagged Interviews
Ghost kitchens, Anthony Bourdain, and Facebook Trustbusters (Yaël on Joe Catenacci Show)
-Ghost kitchens spring up to serve customers in pandemic -Anthony Bourdain would absolutely be leading the charge to open restaurants back up -Biden can take these libertarian policies on to woo former Trump voters https://www.insidesources.com/biden-can-channel-libertarian-ideas-to-woo-some-of-the-trump-coalition/…
Cops called on me for smoking a turkey: Thanksgiving Scofflaw
-Being a Thanksgiving Scofflaw -Outdoor Igloo Dining -Net Neutrality Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski on The Joe Catenacci Show. This was broadcast on December 4, 2020, on The Big Talker WFBT 106.7FM Radio:…
The Wonders of Tech, Targeted Ads, Biden Blue State Bailout | Yaël on Joe Catenacci Show
Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski on The Joe Catenacci Show. Topics discussed: Targeted advertising Why people hate Big Tech Biden Blue State Bailout Thanksgiving Scofflaw This was broadcast on November 20, 2020, on…
Yaël on Joe Catenacci Show: Alexis de Tocqueville and alternative social media
Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski on The Joe Catenacci Show. Topics discussed: Continued lockdowns in Europe and around the world Will Joe Biden re-join the World Health Organization? Alternative Social Media networks (http://freewheel.social)…
Debrief de cette fin de saison NASCAR avec notamment Yaël Ossowski (Consumer Choice Center). Yaël Ossowski – Consumer Choice Center : https://twitter.com/YaelOss La page facebook FRA SCAR : https://www.facebook.com/FRASCARgenje… Le groupe facebook FRA SCAR ULTIMATE…
Yaël on ANews to discuss the aftermath of the US Elections
CCC Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski is interviewed on ANews to give perspective on the US elections and the aftermath, including what consumer advocates should do next. 9. November 2020 http://consumerchoicecenter.org
Yaël on Joe Catenacci Show: Election Wrap-Up, Lawyer-captured Society, Vienna Terror Attacks
Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski on The Joe Catenacci Show. Topics discussed: –Election2020 and its madness. Is gridlock good? –Lawyers and lawsuits have captured our elections and now our society –Vienna Terror Attack…
Vienna Terror Attacks: Yaël Ossowski on BBC Radio 4
The morning after the terror attack in Vienna, Austria, interviewed on BBC Radio’s The World at One. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000p103 11. November 2020
Stopping Politicization of Absolutely Everything, Euro lockdowns, Election! | Yaël on Big Talker FM
Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski on The Joe Catenacci Show. Topics discussed: European lockdowns are back, and it’s not looking pretty. We should brace for the bad impact it’ll have on our lives…