Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski is interviewed on Schwab Network TV with anchor Nicole Petallides on Uber’s latest earnings report, why they’re pivoting to robotaxis and AI, and how tort reform in the…
Posts tagged uber
Uber is right: recognise independent platform workers
In a new white paper presented to the European Commission, the ride-sharing platform Uber defended its business model ahead of new legislation on platform work. “This standard (for platform work) needs to recognise the value…
Beware Those Coming After Your Delivery Apps
The pandemic has, for better or worse, forced us to live online. That has made internet retail, digital services and delivery apps a godsend for millions of us sequestered at home. This entirely new sector…
It’s time for the government to put consumers first
It’s a great time to be alive. In the past few years, we’ve been incredibly lucky to gain access to great technologies and services that make our lives better every day. Just think about the…
Episode 9: The Eternal Sunshine of the Uber Mind
A quick review of Los Angeles, St. Petersburg, Florida, and Washington, D.C., why clubs must die, Richard Spencer at the International Students For Liberty Conference in Washington, D.C., friendship philosopher, phone calls, Old Man Todor,…
La dure vérité d’Uber à l’Assemblée nationale
Par Yaël Ossowski | Huffington Post Québec Lorsque la province s’agite face à la présence des nouvelles technologies qui risquent d’offrir de meilleurs services aux Québécois, les échanges les plus importants prennent lieu à l’Assemblée…