Free Trade and the Consumer’s World

In the age of modernization, not every product can suit its consumer and not every consumer feels heard. Pro-consumer activism is an issue at the core of the millennial generation, and a unique way to allow for innovation’s creativity to reach the hands of willing clients. 

The Consumer Choice Center advocates on behalf of lifestyle freedom and innovation, to ensure that policy takes consumer choice into account.

Find out more about where the consumer voice is lacking and how to make sure it’s heard.

#80 Talks With… The Consumer Choice Center

During Berlin’s anti-Uber demonstrations, a small collective of activists put together a mini-protest to support Uber’s ingenuity and show solidarity for its innovative vision. Slowly, a few more individuals joined their counter-protest, establishing their belief that consumers aren’t being taken into account. In this episode we spoke with Yael Ossowski, Deputy Director of Consumer Choice Center, a grassroots organization fighting for the rights of everyday consumers.

Consumer Choice Center’s involvement relies on resources, understanding and broader interest

With so many divisive issues plaguing society today, one has to choose what is worth fighting for, and how to go about fighting for it. Linking onto consumer-driven policy demands such as alcohol modernization, free trade agreements and cannabis legalization, amongst others, takes the focus off of business and brings it back to the user. Yael Ossowski  explains that the reduction of state monopolies will allow citizens to have more purchasing power in their interactions with local and international economies.

Listen to the whole interview to find out how you can get involved in the fight towards a prioritized consumer. You can also subscribe to Consumer Choice radio which has a new show every week and sign up to be a member. Many consumers feel that their agency is restored knowing that their rights are fought for worldwide.

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