- The FTC should throw out its ‘junk fees’ rule and start over
- ‘Green bubble’ texts on iMessage are not the FCC’s problem to solve
- John Oliver’s backward solutions for freight rail fail the American people
- After the FTX Fraud, It’s Time to Be Even More Bullish on Bitcoin and Crypto
- Dental Insurance Is the Next Industry That Badly Needs Reform
- Americans Need to Divorce Health Insurance From Our Jobs
- The Great Argentine Central Bank Smash
- RFK Jr. is batshit insane, but happens to get Bitcoin
- Hey bro, get your hands off my hardware wallet
- Why Bitcoin privacy matters in the real world
- The Fiat Federation Seeks Total Annihilation of Bitcoin On-Ramps
- The US Treasury is Pinched for Cash and Wants Bitcoin Miners and Traders to Pony Up
- Nostr: a funky decentralized protocol as the ultimate Bitcoin playground
- FTM8: “LOL you can’t unsubscribe from CBDCs”
- The Revolt of the (Bitcoin) Public
- They say all hell is gonna break loose, and you’re gonna need a Bitcoin
- RFK Jr. Can’t Escape His Progressive Record
- Johnson & Johnson’s ‘Texas Two Step’ Needs a Conclusion
- Plummeting Smoking Rates Mean a Paradigm Shift for Nicotine
- Trial Lawyer Marketing Machine Needs a Reboot
- EPA Could Drown Industries, Make Consumers Pay
- After the FTX Fraud, It’s Time to Be Even More Bullish on Bitcoin and Crypto
- The Sam Bankman-Fried Hold on the Trillion-Dollar Crypto Trade Leaves It Vulnerable
- Harm Reduction Takes a U-Turn on Vaping
- Don’t Be Fooled by Those Who Want to Save You From Tech Monopolies
- Potentials for Bitcoin in State Government
- The FDA is waging an irrational war against nicotine, vaping
- End North Carolina’s archaic monopoly on liquor sales
- How the Carolinas could suffer from Trump’s tariffs
- N.C. alcohol rules should join the 21st century
- Why should banks pay taxes while credit unions get a break?
- Let’s get real about N.C.’s alcohol laws (including the drinking age)
- Don’t kick out the Dreamers, Mr. Trump
- Would Lina Khan’s real-life FTC break up Succession’s fictional Waystar RoyCo?
- Democrats must not be allowed to replicate Europe’s energy disaster
- Energy costs struggle against judicial activist squeeze
- John Oliver delivers Democratic Party talking points on antitrust
- For the sake of the international order, we need Biden to sell more gas
- Facebook failures may be real, but the case for increased censorship is weak
- Michael Bloomberg propels the WHO’s nanny state mission creep
- Support Iranian protesters: Let them visit America
- Don’t let cities ruin the scooter revolution
- Birthright citizenship helped make America great
- Content is King, And Why I’m Switching to
- What Happened to the Right to Choose Your Healthcare?
- Control of the Net must go
- Don’t kick out the Dreamers, Mr. Trump
- Is the Education Lottery a Racket?
- Little Hollywood: Military Access, Incentives Drive N.C. Film Industry
- Separation of Sport and State: Does Military’s Relationship with NASCAR Cost Taxpayers?
- Lines drawn in same-sex marriage debate
- Why Gaston cops lost their ‘eye in the sky’
- New Gaston Gazette Articles This Week
- No-snow winter would be first in history for region
- NC congressional delegation split on insider trading bill
- Gaston Democrats react to Gov. Perdue’s decision
- A New Way to Do Good Promises to Provide the Data to Make the Biggest Impact – Effective Altruism
- Banking for the people
- Kickl seeks detention of ‘dangerous’ refugees
- The Flow of Commerce: How the Danube Energizes Austria’s Economy
- The Vienna Survival Guide for Health
- The Marshall Plan: How Austria Benefited 70 Years ago
- Why Austria’s Millennial Minister Sebastian Kurz Could be Dangerous
- Ever dreamed of jumping out of planes for a living? The Red Bull Skydive Team takes falling to the next level
- Just What the Doctor Ordered
- Quebec Should Embrace Cannabis To Promote The Economy
- Eyesore Marijuana Packaging Isn’t Healthy For Canadians Or Competition
- Canada Can Lead The Way On Pot, Vapes and Plain Packs
- Trudeau Should See NAFTA Renegotiation As His Biggest Priority
- Consumers Lose No Matter Who Wins The U.S.-Canada Jet Subsidy War
- Bitcoin Has Become About The Payday, Not Its Potential
- WHO Elections: Will The Promise Of A Healthier Future Be Forgotten?
- Why Fewer Canadians Are Using Tobacco
- Clash Of The Sinclairs: A Story Of American Socialism And Fascism
- Vaping May Win The Fight Against Underage Smoking
- The Failed Promise Of Transparency In The Age Of Trudeau
- Trump Has Given Canada’s Oil Industry A Fighting Chance
- Anti-Transparency On Display At COP7 Global Anti-Tobacco Conference
- You Are Not Your Political Party
- Technological Literacy Is Doomed
- ‘Iron Kingdom’ Reminds Me Why I’m Proud Of My Prussian Roots
- UN Anti-Tobacco Meeting Seeks to Ban High-Ranking Government Officials
- Canada Libertarians Say No to Nanny State on World No Tobacco Day
- S’attaquer enfin aux racines de la tuberculose
- A Viral Video Helped This Afghan Refugee Find A New Home in Lithuania
- La dure vérité d’Uber à l’Assemblée nationale
- Why Dresden’s History is Dreadful
- Yaël Ossowski: Simplify insurance for better health care
- Pennslyvania can and should legalize cannabis, but do it right
Spectator USA
- Gerry Dionne: An Elegy to a Journeyman
- Uncovering the Modern Conspiracy Mindset | Devolution Review
- Social Freedom, Entrepreneurs, and Dreamers: A Battle Cry for Today’s Political Youth
- Stefan Zweig’s Dream of Europe: What has been achieved?
- What of Our Grand Experiment?
- US Airport Funding Needs an Overhaul, not More Government Involvement
- Anti-Transparency On Display At COP7 Global Anti-Tobacco Conference
- Tobacco Monitoring First Step To Increased Sin Industry Scrutiny
- Brazil Partners with WHO to Track Tobacco, Alcohol Industries
- The libertarian-minded Conservative who could give Justin Trudeau a run for his money
- David Clement Targets Harper’s Fiscal Underbelly in Libertarian Candidacy
- I Tried to Reach Liberland, and Here’s What I Learned
- The Difference between Expats and Immigrants? It’s Passports, Not Race
- About-Face: Canada’s Shift from Peacekeeper to Bomb-Dropper
- Canada, Don’t Be Duped into US-Style Anti-Terrorism Laws
- Long Live the North Korean Black Market
- Motley Crew of Fighters and Heroes Unite at Oslo Freedom Forum
- Mario Vargas Llosa: “Latin America Has Never Been Freer than Today”
- For an Independent Scotland, and a Free One Too
- Exploring Scotland in the days before it votes to break away
- Quebec Seeks to Tax and Regulate AirBnb Out of Existence
- End the War on Migrant Children
- Waging a “War on Terror” against FBI-Concocted Plots
- Why John Kerry’s Climate-Change Crusade Is Dangerous and Wrong
- Facebook Reaps Billions from Your Data: It’s Time to Unplug
- Quebec May Just Have Elected an Austerity Government
- If Not the Parti Québécois, Who Is Today’s Quebec Secessionist?
- When Expatriation Is the Only Option
- The Parti Québécois Electoral Ploy of “Secularism” Will Weaken Quebec
- Bitcoin: Responding to the Pessimists
- Latin-American Countries Should Ditch the Dollar for Bitcoin
- Stephen Harper’s New Election Law Not Worth the Outrage
- The Promise of Bitcoin: Alternative Currencies and Anonymous Markets
- Rejecting Natural Gas Wealth: Quebec’s Missed Opportunity
- One Million Canadians to Cuba Every Year. Why Not US Citizens?
- Want a better NAFTA? The Economist Says Endorse Free Movement of People
- What Has Government Done to Our Tips?
- Free Trade in North America Turns 21 Years Old. Is Free Travel next?
- My Cartoon Self
- Canada Should End Its Love of “Hate Speech” Bans
- The Watchers of the Watchers Have Flipped
- Cheaper Meat for Europeans and Affordable Cars for Canadians
- Canada: The True North American Experiment in Decentralization
- Russia’s “Anti-Gay” Law Reveals US Media Misinformation and Hyperbole
- Canada’s War with the United Nations
- Liberty In Exile: Playing PanAm Post with Fergus Hodgson
- Ce que le Québec peut apprendre de la Catalogne
- What the Québec Independence Movement Can Learn from Catalonia
- L’Oligopole Mobile Canadien
- The Canadian Mobile Oligopoly
- EPA Could Drown Industries, Make Consumers Pay
- Facebook Trustbusters Are Motivated by Partisan Politics, Not Concern for the Consumer
- Marijuana promises economic benefit, poses financial questions
- Diddy Will Face Justice, but This Legal Tactic Needs Reform
- This Sneaky Bipartisan Bankruptcy Reform Will Sting Tech Consumers
- Republicans could redeem themselves by legalizing CBD, industrial hemp
- EPA Controversy Is Politics, Polluted
- WHO Elections: Will The Promise Of A Healthier Future Be Forgotten?
- The World Health Organization Is A Mess: Will Trump Fix It?
- The Stateless Man: As Europe Centralizes Power, Catalonia Yearns to Break Free
- When Everyone Around You Wants to Restrict Freedom
- Albany lawmakers fall for fake Beepocalypse narrative
- Animal welfare, fashion choice should rule fur debate
- The Robin Hayes Pardon Was Undeserved
- Charlotte Can Create Affordable Housing With ‘YIMBY’ Movement
- The Confederate Flag Is Not a Symbol of the South
Comment Central
Consumer Choice Center
- Oops, your data’s been exposed. What can you do?
- Open-source is for everyone, even your adversaries
- FCC Comments to protect radio frequency for open-source projects and ham radio
- Forcing TikTok’s divestiture from the CCP is both reasonable and necessary
- The ‘Kids Online Safety Act’ is a Trojan Horse For Digital Censorship
- Virginia youth social media law would cause online chaos and diminish parental authority
- The FTC’s cheering of a failed merger shows its disdain for consumers
- The EU’s AI ACT will stifle innovation and won’t become a global standard
- Fun Police Episode 2: The Billionaire
- Australia’s own media law isn’t helping news consumers either
- Checking in on Michael Bloomberg’s multi-million dollar global crusade against harm reduction
- Hey buddy, consumers don’t need protection from natural gas stoves
- Is the FTC kneecapping VR before it even gets off the ground?
- Consumer Choice Center’s FDA Menthol Melee
- Why Consumers Should Oppose the Latest Senate Antitrust Actions
- Why Democratic Control of the FCC Won’t Bode Well for Internet Freedom
- The Digital Economy Minister Crusading to Legalize Vaping in Thailand
- La réglementation intelligente du cannabis: Yaël Ossowski et Bill Wirtz devant l’Assemblée nationale
- The government’s Facebook trustbusting is a zealous takedown that harms consumers and punishes innovation
- Trump’s drug import plan will make us all pay
- Now They’re Coming After Your Delivery Apps
- In Kamala Harris, do consumers have an ally or a foe?
- Antitrust tech hearings dig for consumer harm but come up short
- Can you sue the ski hut where you contracted coronavirus?
- Cigarette-style climate change graphic warnings on fuel pumps? How about NO
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Laws Passed in Wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Millennials and Your Retirement Accounts: Keep Calm and Carry On
- Politician Endorsed Social Media Bans Are Dangerous Territory
- Elizabeth Warren Outraged by Social Media Bans She Champions
- Democratic Presidential Debate: How did consumer choice fare?
- Democratic Presidential Debate: How did consumer choice fare?
- What should consumers know about cannabis edibles?
- Ocasio-Cortez teams up with Bernie Sanders to introduce bill capping ‘outrageously high’ credit card interest rates
- Légalisation du cannabis récréatif: des lobbyistes canadiens au Luxembourg
- Consumer Choice Center promotes smart legalization of cannabis in Luxembourg
- A North Carolina Republican is singlehandedly blocking progress on cannabis banking
- Praising Santa Barbara County’s innovative cannabis regulations
- A ban on local grocery taxes helps Washington consumers
- Consumer Choice Center Testimonial
- Minority leaders in Philadelphia speak up against the soda tax
- U.S. Midterm Primer: What’s at stake for consumer choice?
- Does the CDC’s Mask Mandate for 2-Year-Old Children Make Sense? A Look at the Science
- Why Jeff Bezos’s Consumer Revolution Is a True American Success Story
- La OMS da marcha atrás, ahora no aconseja los confinamientos
- How Not to Respond to Alarming Social Media Censorship
- WHO Reverses Course, Now Advises Against Use of ‘Punishing’ Lockdowns
- Legal Cannabis Is Here to Stay, and Consumers and Entrepreneurs Deserve Safe Banking Options
- The Myths about Money in Politics Are Worse Than the Reality
Fox News
- Fox News Hit: Vermont says ‘tis the season’ to hike texting fines
- Fox News: Natural gas in Vermont? No fracking way, say green groups
La Chronique Agora
La Tribune
- L’Europe a besoin de politiques intelligentes pour combattre les régimes autoritaires
- Chers élus, laissez les trottinettes électriques rouler
Les Affaires
MG Retailer
Miami Herald
- Public-nuisance lawsuits stifle innovation, and consumers ultimately foot the bill
- America loves lawsuits. So why can’t you sue a cop for excessive force?
- Florida should crack down on frivolous lawsuits, costly verdicts
- Dental therapists are no free market solution to dental woes
Morning Consult
- High Court’s Ruling Ends Administrative State’s Shady Legal Work
- Seizer-in-chief: Obama sets eyes on cyber hackers’ goods
- The privacy bill that exempts government and beefs up the FTC
- Reason — How Disney Cashes In on Corporate Welfare
- Article on Michigan Lawmakers Pass Right-to-Work Law
- Article on How Tampa’s Surveillance State Profited from the Republican National Convention
- Article on Florida Weighs Corporate Welfare for New Sports Stadium
- Article on Florida Officials Seek to Ban Cell Phone Use in Cars and Public Meetings
- Erie consultant breaks the bad news: ‘The city is broke’
- Erie’s 10-year ‘comprehensive plan’ consultants cost over $100,000
- ‘Vicious political campaigning’ backfired on MO unions
- Onetime supporter says ethics board devolved into ‘lapdog, not a watchdog’
- National ethics group broke state laws to acquire signatures
- Anti-corruption group’s ethics boards face ethical problems
- Western Pennsylvania school districts brought down by pension debt
- Rand Paul’s ‘Economic Freedom Zone’ a fix for western PA?
- Erie stocks up on prison gear after shootings, but leaves community without answers
- Obama’s ‘girl power’ foreign policy boosts UN aid
- Welfare program for laid-off workers doesn’t work; renewed anyway
- Deval Patrick’s travel slush fund no longer secret
- ‘Another sad day for Connecticut’ as $2 billion tax hike set to pass
- At education summit, opponents protest success of charter schools in New Orleans
- DISH CEO Charlie Ergen flooded GOP with cash while it held FCC
- Charles Ergen dished cash to Dems to push FCC special treatment
- Despite minority student success, charter school segregation narrative continues
- Advocates claim NC charter school segregation report ‘false and disingenuous’
- Duke researchers use race to attack charter schools
- New Orleans charter schools bring fresh air to devastated city
- Students flocking to Atlanta charter schools brings funding boost
- Seizer-in-chief: Obama sets eyes on cyber hackers’ goods
- Conservatives push guest worker program to halt illegal immigration
- Don’t act like that: TSA defends screening program amid lawsuits, won’t release documents
- Can the FCC be trusted with its net neutrality regulations?
- The tech media still doesn’t understand the FCC’s net neutrality regulations
- White House’s new data scientist is ready to give you homework
- FCC net neutrality regulations include one really scary sentence
- No one in government knows knows how to use email — except Hillary Clinton
- House of Cards: Feds aim to overrule states, ban online gambling
- British comedian John Oliver cheers FCC’s net neutrality regulation
- Top GOP contenders seek to change nation’s tune on immigration
- It’s here: FCC adopts net neutrality, first significant Internet regulation
- Has the tide turned against the FCC’s plan for regulating the Internet?
- Mark Cuban: FCC control of Internet ‘scares the sh*t out of me’
- States don’t want illegal immigrants, but could they need them?
- Does the NSA have a spy in your hard drive?
- Anonymous is hitting ISIS harder than any government could
- FCC commissioner: If you like the IRS, you’ll love net neutrality
- #JeSuisProsecuted: U.S. government sentences journalist Barret Brown
- Supreme Court: Cops can pull you over even if you haven’t broken a law
- Public broadband agency blasted for bloated costs, conflicts of interest
- Wyden: No more ‘back doors’ in Americans’ computers, phones
- Illegal immigrants are going home in record numbers
- Obama’s immigration plan may be his only worthy act
- Net neutrality would boost FCC’s budget by upping fees
- Obama issues credit card industry bailout by executive order
- Philly schools to be ‘one-stop location’ for government handouts
- Tom Steyer wants to ‘penalize people’ who add to ‘climate risk’
- ‘Risky Business’ billionaire bankers prop up federal carbon taxes
- ‘Nation of random enforcement’: Is America’s chief executive too powerful?
- The Vermont paradox: The taxpayer advocate is a state employee
- Vermont wants to be first state to ban ‘predatory loans’ for pensioners
- The 10 state jobs you didn’t know your Vermont taxes covered
- In VT, state psychiatrist makes $40,000 more than governor
- Mad about government spying and snooping? Blame Reagan
- New Hampshire marijuana vote pushes Vermont to New England ‘domino effect’
- One Million Canadians to Cuba Every Year. Why Not US Citizens?
- Vermont’s ‘welfare-to-work’ limits show early success
- Vermont governor declares new ‘War on Drugs,’ but pumps up old bureaucracy
- Vermont town to lose biggest taxpayer as nuclear plant shutters
- From horse lying to lengthy beer tasting, the 10 strangest Vermont laws
- Vermont says ‘tis the season’ to hike texting fines
- Bitcoin politician wants to upgrade democracy in Vermont
- Relaxed Vermont pot laws may lead to legalization
- Passing gas: Will seized private land clear way for pipeline?
- Fox News: Natural gas in Vermont? No fracking way, say green groups
- Natural gas in Vermont? No fracking way, say green groups
- Vermont uses Democratic state rep’s brother to push state health exchange
- Christie’s gubernatorial re-election bucks D.C. establishment
- Lonegan-Booker: If blacks stay away from New Jersey polls, could the Republican win?
- VIDEO: Cory Booker-Steve Lonegan Oct. 9 debate REMIX
- Booker and Lonegan’s New Jersey consensus: The taxes are too damn high
- The 10 most GIFable moments from the Booker-Lonegan debate
- Billionaire Bloomberg bails out Booker
- Establishment sours on Cory Booker in New Jersey Senate race
- What if they held a $24 million election and no one came?
- Is Cory Booker a ‘rubber stamp’ for Barack Obama?
- Interview on 1450 WCTC Central New Jersey Radio
- Cory Booker labels Steve Lonegan ‘extreme,’ but wants minimum wage hike of 40 percent
- Shutdown sparks New Jersey confusion about Obamacare
- Bust: Cory Booker’s 790,000+ fake Twitter followers
- Cory Booker Inc.: How the Newark mayor uses his charity to prop up pals
- In same day, Booker gets Hollywood treatment and criminal trial mention
- Cyber-Security Swindle: The next billion-dollar boondoggle?
- Florida a nationwide leader…in banning drones
- The Chuck Hagel witch hunt, brought to you by the Beltway media
- Lawmaker slams red-light cameras as ‘scam on the poor people’
- Harassed Miami photographer filing lawsuit against government
- Florida prepares to be ‘less free’ in 2013
- Radio Interview on the Susan Nilson Report — Warantless Wiretapping
- Radio Interview on the Marc Bernier Show — Warantless Wiretapping
- Political corruption a top export in Florida
- FL: Bill Nelson’s NASA dreams misfire on the launching pad
- Article on Michigan Lawmakers Pass Right-to-Work Law
- Michigan becomes 24th ‘right-to-work’ state
- Michigan lawmakers pass ‘right-to-work’ law
- VIDEO: Florida Watchdog prompts tough questions for Gov. Rick Scott
- FL: Profits of doom: Military contractors decry spending cuts but keep raking in cash
- Sarasota Speech with Rich Swier