-The “Royal” interview and how it relates to democracy and open societies -Monarchies vs. Republics INTERVIEW with our colleague and host of the ConsEUmer podcast, Bill Wirtz -Vaccine passports and why they could actually be…
Browsing Category Big Talker 106.7FM
Consumer Choice Radio EP61: Stimulus Packages, Bailouts, Free Economy (w/ Steve Forbes), and How Companies Should Cater to Consumers (w/ Dr. Kimberlee Josephson)
-The Cuomo show is coming to an end -Are we getting back to debating policy over personalities? -Let’s at least celebrate the vaccine roll-out -NC’s economy opening plan…slowly, but surely INTERVIEW with entrepreneur Steve Forbes,…
Why the WHO’s failures matter, and the Anti-Krugman: Why Consumers Deserve Even More Choices
-The WHO is leaving Wuhan, China empty-handed and we still have no answers on the beginning of the outbreak -Why the WHO’s failures and mission creep matter -Paul Krugman says we have too many choices…
Keeping out of the Quarantine Hotel (Yaël on Joe Catenacci Show)
-Ossowskis planning a swing to NC -What are quarantine hotels and do they even work? -The politicians sowing doubt on vaccines in 2020 have no moral legitimacy in 2021 -Tribute to Erwin Ossowski, Yaël’s grandfather,…
Consumer Choice Radio EP60: Fergus Hodgson on Inflation and Independence
-We start off the show with consumer corner, highlighting awesome consumer innovations -Canada’s genocide vote and why it matters INTERVIEW with EconAmericas founder and executive director Fergus Hodgson -Four Signs That Inflation Has Arrived https://www.theepochtimes.com/four-signs-inflation-has-arrived_3497895.html…
Bloomberg’s influence on the WHO, Gamestop Hearings, Aussie Facebook News Takedown (Yaël on Joe Catenacci Show)
-Michael Bloomberg’s influence on the World Health Organization and the forever Nanny State https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/michael-bloomberg-propels-the-whos-nanny-state-mission-creep -Gamestop hearings on Capitol Hill. They’re pushing for a financial transaction tax! -Australia tries its hand at a “link tax” and…
Habitual Vaccine Line Skipper (Yaël Ossowski on Joe Catenacci Show)
-Would you cut in line for a vaccine? -Ron DeSantis as the real Super Bowl MVP -Health professionals have never had it better -What is happening with the $2 trillion stimulus plan? -Medical cannabis in…
EP58: Crypto Revolution and Human Rights in a Pandemic (w/ Tanja Porčnik and Christe Harkin)
-We examine proposals to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing due to the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses against the Uyghurs and the Chinese Firewall goes up around the new social app Clubhouse. -Tanja Porčnik…
Consumer Choice Radio EP57: Sauga 960AM Debut, Amazon and Consumers, MP Nathaniel Erskine Smith on Harm Reduction, MP Dan Albas on Freeing the Alcohol Market
Sauga 960 debut! Consumer Choice Radio is now an internationally syndicated program. We’re making our debut this week on Sauga 960AM in Ontario, Canada, and our program will continue to broadcast on Big Talker 106.7FM…
I Can’t Take Pandemic TV Anymore | Yaël on the Joe Catenacci Show Big Talker 106.7FM
-Canadian COVID hotels -I can’t take pandemic TV and ads anymore. It must end -Tom Brady’s past association with DJT means he’s canceled? -Praising Amazon delivery -Vaccines were supposed to bring us out of this….