-AstraZeneca and the blight of statistics -CCC Managing Director Fred Roeder on the health economics of European governments withdrawing the vaccine INTERVIEW with Young Voices contributor Rachel Chiu -The zeal for antitrust is completely forgetting…
Browsing Category Consumer Choice Radio
Consumer Choice Radio EP62: Beware the Vaccine Passport (w/ Bill Wirtz)
-The “Royal” interview and how it relates to democracy and open societies -Monarchies vs. Republics INTERVIEW with our colleague and host of the ConsEUmer podcast, Bill Wirtz -Vaccine passports and why they could actually be…
Consumer Choice Radio EP61: Stimulus Packages, Bailouts, Free Economy (w/ Steve Forbes), and How Companies Should Cater to Consumers (w/ Dr. Kimberlee Josephson)
-The Cuomo show is coming to an end -Are we getting back to debating policy over personalities? -Let’s at least celebrate the vaccine roll-out -NC’s economy opening plan…slowly, but surely INTERVIEW with entrepreneur Steve Forbes,…
Consumer Choice Radio EP60: Fergus Hodgson on Inflation and Independence
-We start off the show with consumer corner, highlighting awesome consumer innovations -Canada’s genocide vote and why it matters INTERVIEW with EconAmericas founder and executive director Fergus Hodgson -Four Signs That Inflation Has Arrived https://www.theepochtimes.com/four-signs-inflation-has-arrived_3497895.html…
Consumer Choice Radio EP57: Sauga 960AM Debut, Amazon and Consumers, MP Nathaniel Erskine Smith on Harm Reduction, MP Dan Albas on Freeing the Alcohol Market
Sauga 960 debut! Consumer Choice Radio is now an internationally syndicated program. We’re making our debut this week on Sauga 960AM in Ontario, Canada, and our program will continue to broadcast on Big Talker 106.7FM…
Consumer Choice Radio’s newest syndication affiliate: Sauga 960AM
Starting next week, Consumer Choice Radio will be syndicated on its second affiliate: Sauga 960 AM, broadcasting to over 4 million listeners in the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario. You’ll hear Yaël Ossowski and David Clement…
Consumer Choice Radio EP55: Why I Quit the Border Patrol (w/ Joshua Childress), Biden’s Energy Policies, Last Minute Pardons
For this episode, we speak with Joshua Childress, a veteran and former Border Patrol agent who resigned after learning more about the pro-immigration position, specifically by reading and listening to podcasts that touched on the…
Consumer Choice Radio EP50: Hemp Patriots (w/ Geoff Whaling)
Geoff Whaling is a business executive, chair of the National Hemp Association, and co-founder and president of Collective Growth Corporation. –Hemp is not marijuana –The Farm Bill’s opening for an innovative hemp economy –Oils, textiles,…
Consumer Choice Radio EP46: Guy Bentley on Legalizing Fun and Consumer Freedom
INTERVIEW: Guy Bentley, Director of Consumer Freedom Research at the Reason Foundation http://reason.org Election Day Ballot Initiatives on drugs, gambling, and taxes Game Day betting Pandemic reforms on alcohol, cannabis, and more The Obesity Mafia…
Consumer Choice Radio EP45: The Outrage Election
What a crazy time it is. We’re in between a Trump and Biden administration, and big issues are on the table. Will anyone pick them up? We do some rank punditry and politics rather than…