Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). Quarantine week two Let’s thank the people running the Internet A lot of silly laws are being repealed. Good riddance! Alcohol and cannabis…
Browsing Category Consumer Choice Radio
AR-14 Social Distancing – Consumer Choice Radio (14. March. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). Did Yaël get exposed at CPAC? International measures go crazy Media malpractice, The Simpsons predicts it all Biden gets testy with union workers…
Enough with the Potions! – Consumer Choice Radio (7. March. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). Airlines set to lose $113 billion due to Coronavirus scare Traveling during pandemic time Super Tuesday massacre Vaping tax? What’s happening in the…
DON’T PANIC – Consumer Choice Radio (29. Feb. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). Environmental protesters continue their rail blockade in Canada and people don’t want to take it anymore CPAC and Washington, D.C. Mayor Big Gulp…
Straw Police – Consumer Choice Radio (22. Feb. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). Mayor “Big Gulp” Bloomberg gets railroaded at the Democratic debate A rail blockade brings Canada to its knees The Straw Police are real…and…
Mayoral Memes – Consumer Choice Radio (15. Feb. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). Huawei finally charged; why do the Chinese want Yaël’s credit report? Bloomberg’s leaked tape and Stop-And-Frisk Apology The mayoral memes are hitting hard…
Ultimate Entertainment Week – Consumer Choice Radio (8. Feb. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). It was the Ultimate Consumer Entertainment Week Best Super Bowl commercials, tech trends Iowa Caucus and apps go crazy Trump actually hits top…
Ridesharing Wins and Coronavirus Meets Communism – Consumer Choice Radio (1. Feb. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski & David Clement. Crazy 2020 begins Coronavirus meets Communism The World Health Organization has been failing us British Columbia finally has ridesharing?? Brexit Day, but then the UK…
The Rebels of Davos – Consumer Choice Radio (25. Jan 2020)
Broadcast 25. January 2020 on The Big Talker 106.7FM. Hosts: Yaël Ossowski & David Clement Consumer Choice Radio: a weekly conversation featuring the latest news, interviews, and expert analysis that covers consumer topics around the…
Aussie Bushfires and CNN’s poor debate – Consumer Choice Radio (18. Jan. 2020)
Broadcast 18. January 2020 on The Big Talker 106.7FM. Hosts: Yaël Ossowski & David Clement Welcome to Consumer Choice Radio, a weekly conversation featuring the latest news, interviews, and expert analysis that covers consumer topics…