I was invited on the Susan Nilon Report on 08. Jan. 2013, broadcast on 106.0FM WSRQin Sarasota, FL, to discuss recent legislation passed by the Congress. DOWNLOAD HERE The topic is warantless wiretapping and the…
Browsing Category Watchdog.org
Radio Interview on the Marc Bernier Show — Warantless Wiretapping
I was invited on the Marc Bernier Show, broadcast on 1150 WNDB in Daytona Beach, FL to discuss the renewal of FISA, warantless wiretapping, and the future of government surveillance in America. DOWNLOAD HERE The…
Political corruption a top export in Florida
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST. PETERSBURG — Citrus products and airplane parts may be the most well-known exports from the state of Florida, but if 2012 is any indiciation, political corruption may overtake both…
FL: Bill Nelson’s NASA dreams misfire on the launching pad
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST. PETERSBURG — It’s only once in a blue moon that Democratic and Republican politicians can come to mutual understanding on Capitol Hill, but just this once, Sen. Bill Nelson hopes they’ll…
Article on Reason.com: Michigan Lawmakers Pass Right-to-Work Law
Another article of mine was reprinted on Reason’s website, this time on Michigan passing “right-to-work” legislation. Reason is a libertarian magazine that features great commentary and analysis on the pressing issues of our day. Enjoy: Yaël Ossowski | Dec….
Michigan becomes 24th ‘right-to-work’ state
IT’S THE LAW: Gov. Rick Snyder, right, speaks as Lt. Gov. Brian Calley listens Tuesday at a news conference in Lansing, Mich., after signing the right-to-work law. (AP photo) By Yaël Ossowski | Watchdog.org LANSING,…
Michigan lawmakers pass ‘right-to-work’ law
EN MASSE: Thousands of demonstrators gather Tuesday outside the State Capitol in Lansing, Mich., protesting a right-to-work vote. (AP photo) By Yaël Ossowski | Watchdog.org LANSING — Overcoming the large crowds that have descended upon the…
VIDEO: Florida Watchdog prompts tough questions for Gov. Rick Scott
A piece from Florida Watchdog’s Yaël Ossowski prompted Orlando’s WESH TV to press Gov. Rick Scott on an overseas trip, and questions of crony capitalism. PART ONE PART TWO Florida Watchdog prompts crony capitalism questions of @flgovrickscott yael.es/UpXEWT! #sayfie…
FL: Profits of doom: Military contractors decry spending cuts but keep raking in cash
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST. PETERSBURG — The nation’s largest military contractors may be doing everything they can to warn Floridians of impending doom coming in the form of military-spending cuts, but newly…
Sarasota Speech with Rich Swier
Here I am with my good friend Dr. Richard Swier, a passionate political activist, talented writer, and retired Army Lt. Colonel who is working to change the system and refute the myths currently hampering freedom and…