By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST. PETERSBURG — Seizing the opportunity of a lifetime,Democratic politicians from all parts of the country are taking to the well-lit podium at theDemocratic National Convention in Charlotte, hoping to play the…
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DNC: Charlotte ‘convention bump’ enough to help Democrats’ uphill battle in NC?
By Yaël Ossowski | CHARLOTTE — The whole point of a Democratic Convention in North Carolina was to support President Barack Obama‘s effort to capture the state’s critical 15 electoral votes. But a funny thing happened on…
FL: Critics say Boehner used RNC rules committee to quash internal dissent
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA — Delegates from 56 U.S. states and territories have come to the Republican National Convention here to represent the desires of millions of GOP voters who participated in presidential primaries…
FL: RNC power brokers work to shut out insurgent candidacies
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA — Billed as a national gathering of passionate Republicans unified to support their nominee for president and vice president, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, the Republican National Convention has, of late, shed…
FL: As rain douses protests, cops keep strong grip on Tampa
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA— As delegates and suit-clad Republican Party officials were busy rewriting the nominating rules for the Republican Party on Monday at the Tampa Bay TimesForum, detractors and protesters were getting their message out three…
FL: Inevitable Romney faces week of unknowns at RNC
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA— After a year and a half of the Republican presidential nomination process, it seems that the inevitable nominee will be nominated at the Tampa Bay Times Forum next week. Clinging…
FL: New Black Panthers still angry with ‘conservative whites,’ but won’t be appearing at RNC
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA— People expecting stiff resistance from the New Black Panther Party at the Republican National Convention in Tampa next week can breathe a sigh of relief. Speaking exclusively to Florida Watchdog, Michelle Williams, chief of staff…
FL: Voter ID still going strong, ensuring ‘one person, one vote’
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA — As county election officials thumbed through the 2 million ballotscast during the Aug. 14 party primary election in Florida, a state judge nearly 1,000 miles away was preparing his…
OSSOWSKI: Good business — barring lawyers from legislatures
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA — In the business world of today, there is much more to worry about than just the bottom line. Entrepreneurs are forced to not only appeal to consumers,…
FL: ‘Activist judges’ set to face the music in merit retention fight
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA— Ceding to the hot temptations of democracy, three Florida judges will shed their traditional black robes for chance to enter the political boxing ring of merit retention elections…