By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog CORAL GABLES—It took only a margin of a few hundred votes to topple a powerful 24-year incumbent of Capitol Hill. That was the fate of U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns, of…
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FL: Nelson, Mack and the Floridian quest to reign over the U.S. Senate
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog CORAL GABLES — As the words of praise and accomplishment were handed down from the podium, expectations rose at Connie Mack IV’s campaign headquarters in Coral Gables on Tuesday…
FL: Keeping jobs and unseating incumbents in Tuesday’s primary election
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA — In the shadow of Mitt Romney’s visit to Florida with freshly introduced vice presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., on Tuesday, more than 8 million registered Florida…
FL: Mr. Smith goes to E-Washington: independent candidates seek direct democracy through net
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA— Consider the large grassroots movements of the past four years—including the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street—and you’re likely to conclude countless Americans believe the country is moving in wrong direction….
FL: Capitol Vanguard podcast with Florida Watchdog on vote fraud, military spending and Obamacare
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TALLAHASSEE— On Aug. 7, Florida Watchdog Bureau Chief Yaël Ossowski, joined Capitol Vanguard reporter Will Patrick for a discussion about Florida’s top news stories. Topics covered in the podcast include attempts to overcome voter fraud, the growing absentee…
OSSOWSKI: Government does not create jobs, except for building weapons
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST PETERSBURG — A trait that is often regrettably lost when a politician takes office is consistency in both rhetoric and action. The rhetoric that fiscal conservatives in Florida…
FL: Senate report targets Sunshine State for-profit schools
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST PETERSBURG — Democratic leaders in the U.S. Senate are blasting private colleges for high tuition rates and uncertain job prospects for students, but some researchers have countered that…
OSSOWSKI: Is the Defense Department a jobs program or a tool for security?
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA— In the decades following World War I, a widespread consensus existed in the United States that armed conflicts were not pursued for defense, protection or necessity, but rather…
Questioning John McCain on the ‘Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex’
Yesterday, I was afforded the opportunity to ask Sen. John McCain a few questions on the collusion between politicians and the defense companies that manufacture weapons. McCain came to Tampa, FL to protest the $500…
Sen. John McCain pushes against defense cuts to save military contractors, economy
TAMPA — If the proposed cuts to the military budget are not stopped immediately, the United States would be unprepared and unequipped to fight any future wars — despite the growing danger of a deepening…