Photo by captaincinema. A protester holds up a sign at a health care town hall in Illinois in 2009. By Yaël Ossowski | It’s that time again. The heat of looming deadline turns the nation’s…
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Bust: Cory Booker’s 790,000+ fake Twitter followers
By Yaël Ossowski | Special to LYNSIE LEE: Cory Booker’s DM Twitter friend. After Twitter-savvy Newark Mayor Cory Booker‘s TMZ moment with a Portland stripper, the campaign for New Jersey’s special U.S. Senate election has focused in on the micro-blogging…
Cory Booker Inc.: How the Newark mayor uses his charity to prop up pals
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, left to right, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and talk show host Oprah Winfrey discuss Zuckerberg’s $100 million investment into Newark Public Schools. By Yaël Ossowski |…
In same day, Booker gets Hollywood treatment and criminal trial mention
MAN ABOUT THE COUNTRY: Newark Mayor Cory Booker is making the rounds in his campaign as the Democrat’s nominee for U.S. Senate in New Jersey’s special election. By Yaël Ossowski | Special to It…
Cyber-Security Swindle: The next billion-dollar boondoggle?
RUMORS OF CYBER WAR: President Obama’s State of the Union Address included this hidden stock tip: invest in cyber-security companies with government contracts. By Yaël Ossowski | Special to WASHINGTON, D.C— Speaking to the…
Florida a nationwide leader…in banning drones
Never shy to top the charts, the state of Florida has ganered a unique reputation for its diverse culture and eccentric ways. And according to the American Civil Liberties Union, it deserves praise once more: for being…
The Chuck Hagel witch hunt, brought to you by the Beltway media
By Yaël Ossowski | ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – If one is to believe the mainstream press accounts from the nation’s capital, former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel took a beating from his GOP colleagues during his confirmation hearing…
Lawmaker slams red-light cameras as ‘scam on the poor people’
By Yael Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST. PETERSBURG – Red-light cameras are nothing more than a money-making scheme aimed at the poor, state Sen. Daphne Campbell says. The cameras have nothing to do with actual…
Harassed Miami photographer filing lawsuit against government
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog MIAMI — When private security guards working for the Metrorail system in Miami stopped photographer Carlos Miller last Sunday night for taking pictures, they had no idea they’d be brewing a storm. HEY CITIZEN: Miller…
Florida prepares to be ‘less free’ in 2013
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog LESS FREE: More laws, regulations and taxes are set to leave life tougher for Floridians this year. ST. PETERSBURG — If there was ever anything that needed a New Year’s…