Consumer Choice Radio EP30: Dr. Jeff Singer on Health Policy Reform; Blasted Tech Hearings

Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty).

  • INTERVIEW: Dr. Jeff Singer (@Dr4Liberty) – Principal and founder of Valley Surgical Clinics, Ltd., the largest and oldest group private surgical practice in Arizona, and has been in private practice as a general surgeon for more than 35 years. He is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and a Visiting Fellow at the Goldwater Institute in Phoenix, Arizona.
    • Lessons from the Pandemic
    • The FDA, CDC mixed signals and centralized policy
    • The Mask Debate
    • Bypassing federal authorities
    • Easing licensing requirements by state
    • Let foreign doctors practice
    • The problem with middle-man healthcare insurance
    • Medicare For All dismantling
  • Big Tech Hearing
  • Internet Censorship

Broadcast on The Big Talker 106.7 WFBT FM on August 1st, 2020.


