By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog
ST. PETERSBURG— A Barack Obama campaign worker helped an undercover journalist register to vote for the president in Florida despite her expressed intention to vote in another state, video reviewed by shows.
Casting more than one ballot in the same election is a violation of federal and state statutes. Experts said helping someone violate election law is also a crime and could be prosecuted under conspiracy laws.
The video, produced by independent journalist James O’Keefe, also showsDemocratic activists in New York helping register an undercover reporter who says he wants to vote twice — in Minnesota and in New York.
But the most arresting footage shows an Organizing for America staffer in the group’s Houston office providing a video journalist with an application to request a Florida absentee ballot, even though the journalist has made it clear she also intends to vote in Texas.
O’Keefe, whose Project Veritas organization produced the video, identified the OFA staffer as Stephanie Caballero. Documents reviewed by, and included in the video, indicate that Caballero is on the payroll of the Democratic National Committee.
When the undercover reporter declares that she intends to vote twice in the general election, Caballero laughs. She asks the reporter, “Are you going to do what I think you’re going to do?”
“Well,” the reporter replies, “I mean, if no one’s going to know … .”
Caballero laughs and replies, “You’re so hilarious.”
“I have several friends who have done that and they said that it’s no problem so I figure … no one knows,” the undercover reporter says.
In response, the campaign worker seems to suggest that the legal problem of voting in two states is less important than the practical problem of what to say if you’re caught voting twice: “Come up with like, if anyone checks, say, ‘I don’t know.’”
“This is a problem that’s happened in Florida before,” said Clifford Jones, law lecturer at University of Florida’s Levin College of Law in Gainesville. “Usually, it’s organizations hired by or led by Democrat-leaning groups — this year we seem to have it with Republican groups too.
“The ultimate harm happens when some of those registrations are used by someone to vote,” said Jones. “We think it’s relatively rare, but it’s difficult to know for sure.”
Read more: Florida Watchdog