Séjour Européen and the Questioning of Tyranny in 2011

Alas, another trip to the main European continent for knowledge, truth, love, and beauty.

I will be on the front lines of the Euro crisis, as I broadcast Liberty In Exile on the airwaves and maintain the 21st Century Anti-Imperialist League on the internets.

As always, updates and stories will be provided, and the fun and enjoyment to be had will be extraordinary.

This trip comes at a most interesting juncture, as the fate of the European economies hangs in the balance while the puppet-masters do all they can to control the moods, emotions, and democratic discontent behind the scenes.

As for this American continent, she is still unsure of herself. While the chief executive celebrates his false withdrawal from Iraq, the troops leaving the Iraqi dust settle for Kuwaiti soil and Turkish coffee. No significant budget measures have been put into action, and the debt of the nation is still uncertain.

The Republican horse race for the next chief executive, grounded in the early primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire, has nurtured the rise of a true prophet of the times, who has risen to lead in almost all the preliminary polls, surely scaring the establishment in its boots.

In all cases, the predominate trend is toward a mass awakening and enlightening of the population. Information has never enjoyed a more prosperous age of fluidity and circulation, thanks to the internet and broadband technology. Skepticism of centralized power and autocratic rule have become commonplace, sparking revolutions and protests worldwide, and giving hope to the majority of the Earth who have lived at the behest of tyranny. Liberty is the most positive and unifying message of all.

This is a great time to be both conscious and alive.

I wish all a joyous holiday season, and continued inspiration in your individual pursuits of truth. May the next year introduce as much of a paradigm shift to global power structures as 2011.

Bonne chance à tous

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