There is no more exciting adventure than questioning those in power. It’s an act I’ve been able to enjoy in different countries, cities, and languages. I’ve been able to interview small-town mayors, bigwig police chiefs,…
Posts tagged Blog
Lisée versus Duhaime sur Franchement Martineau
L’argument de gauche-droite que le Québec a manqué pour trop long. Jean-François Lisée versus Éric Duhaime
L’État Contre les Jeunes
Les baby-boomers ont perpétré un véritable hold-up générationnel : ils ont sans cesse augmenté la taille de l’État québécois pour profiter de ses largesses en confisquant aux plus jeunes leur part de la richesse collective….
The Younger Generation’s Expectations of Politics
After reading Alan Holmes’ piece on reaction to the State of the Union address, I found it fitting to respond to offer a clear contrast. Any objective party would agree that the President’s soft words and…
J’Accuse! L’Affaire Dreyfus
Read more about the Dreyfus Affair in France. (Disponsible ici en Français)
Séjour Européen and the Questioning of Tyranny in 2011
Alas, another trip to the main European continent for knowledge, truth, love, and beauty. I will be on the front lines of the Euro crisis, as I broadcast Liberty In Exile on the airwaves and…
Une Leçon Importante Pour Les Étatistes au Canada
Quand nous entrons dans une conversation politique au Québec, la loi suprême dicte qu’il y a une limite des idéologies qui sont tolérées. D’habitude, chaque argument pour ou contre une politique spécifique se fonde sur…
My New Life in RSS Information Management
I have always been an individual both surrounded and fascinated by information. For the past 10 years, I have used the internet, books, magazines, newspapers, and television programs to craft my vision and understanding of the world….
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Yaël
From a very early age, children are taught that the American justice system is the fairest and most accessible in the world. This is to be contrasted with the endless examples of banana republics and…
Giving Thanks for the TSA This Holiday Season
As Thanksgiving holiday approaches, Americans across the continent are preparing for quaint family gatherings, mountains of extra calories, and thousands of miles of long-distance travel. If the events of the past year are any indication,…