In less than a month’s time, I shall commence my final semester of undergraduate study of both political science and history at a prized and distinguished institution which has hosted its fair share of admirable…
Posts tagged Blog
John Stossel’s State of the Union But do not despair. If we make reasonable cuts to what government spends, our economy can grow us out of our debt. Cutting doesn’t just make economic sense, it is also the moral thing…
The Military Has Usurped The State
My latest article on the usurpation of civilian control of the American government, all at the hands of the military-industrial complex.
Phoenix @ CEPSUM
Phoenix @ CEPSUM cjlo: Thu, 10/21/2010By: Yaël Ossowski Imagine the greatest of ironies: a French rock group from Versailles travels across the ocean to the most populous French city in North America, gets booked at…