Den Menschen in Deutschland ist der Milliardär Michael Bloomberg vor allem als ehemaliger Bürgermeister von New York City bekannt, der eine Menge Geld für eine unglückliche Präsidentschaftskandidatur verpulvert hat. Aber auf der ganzen Welt hat…
Posts tagged bloomberg
Bloomberg’s misguided push to outlaw vaping in developing nations
Since the fallout from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a renewed focus on improving global health, and that’s been a welcome sign. A study produced by the American Centers for Disease Control and…
Bloomberg’s influence on the WHO, Gamestop Hearings, Aussie Facebook News Takedown (Yaël on Joe Catenacci Show)
-Michael Bloomberg’s influence on the World Health Organization and the forever Nanny State -Gamestop hearings on Capitol Hill. They’re pushing for a financial transaction tax! -Australia tries its hand at a “link tax” and…
Straw Police – Consumer Choice Radio (22. Feb. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). Mayor “Big Gulp” Bloomberg gets railroaded at the Democratic debate A rail blockade brings Canada to its knees The Straw Police are real…and…
Mayoral Memes – Consumer Choice Radio (15. Feb. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). Huawei finally charged; why do the Chinese want Yaël’s credit report? Bloomberg’s leaked tape and Stop-And-Frisk Apology The mayoral memes are hitting hard…