For months, an overwhelming majority of the planet’s population has been subject to cruel and unnerving lockdowns: businesses closed, travel restricted, and social gatherings kept to a minimum. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have sunk our…
Posts tagged coronavirus
Yael Ossowski: GOP bill would deter frivolous COVID lawsuits
As customers slowly trickle back into stores and workers punch back in at reopened businesses, one thought dominates all our minds: caution. Protective plastic shields and screens, face masks and gloves are a new reality,…
Can you sue the ski hut where you contracted coronavirus?
European nations may be opening up their economies throughout the month of May, but that grand opening is likely to be dogged by the wave of COVID-19-related lawsuits. We learned over the weekend that over…
DON’T PANIC – Consumer Choice Radio (29. Feb. 2020)
Consumer Choice Radio, hosted by Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) & David Clement (@ClementLiberty). Environmental protesters continue their rail blockade in Canada and people don’t want to take it anymore CPAC and Washington, D.C. Mayor Big Gulp…