By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST PETERSBURG — A trait that is often regrettably lost when a politician takes office is consistency in both rhetoric and action. The rhetoric that fiscal conservatives in Florida…
Posts tagged Military-Industrial Complex
OSSOWSKI: Is the Defense Department a jobs program or a tool for security?
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog TAMPA— In the decades following World War I, a widespread consensus existed in the United States that armed conflicts were not pursued for defense, protection or necessity, but rather…
Questioning John McCain on the ‘Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex’
Yesterday, I was afforded the opportunity to ask Sen. John McCain a few questions on the collusion between politicians and the defense companies that manufacture weapons. McCain came to Tampa, FL to protest the $500…
Sen. John McCain pushes against defense cuts to save military contractors, economy
TAMPA — If the proposed cuts to the military budget are not stopped immediately, the United States would be unprepared and unequipped to fight any future wars — despite the growing danger of a deepening…