A Reset Button for the Quebec Independence Movement is Due By Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post After a whopping defeat in the last provincial election, Quebec secessionists are doing of bit of soul-searching, and with…
Posts tagged Parti Quebecois
The Parti Québécois Electoral Ploy of “Secularism” Will Weaken Quebec
Provincial Leader Debate Shows PQ’s Turn to Irreverent Populism By Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post In 1995, Quebec premier and Parti Québécois (PQ) leader Jacques Parizeau declared in his speech following the province’s failed referendum on secession…
What the Québec Independence Movement Can Learn from Catalonia
Leaving National Secession to Politics Alone Is a Mistake On September 11, the National Day of Catalonia, an estimated 1.6 million Catalans joined hands across the vast territory they’d like to call their own. Catalans…