Last week, a discussion draft of the American Privacy Rights Act was published. Considering I’ve written about the need for a national privacy law for some time, I wanted to be sure I gave it…
Posts tagged Reason
Reason — How Disney Cashes In on Corporate Welfare
My article on Disney was reprinted on Reason Magazine. Generations of children and adults worldwide have grown up on Walt Disney comics and movies featuring Mickey Mouse and thousands of other characters, visited the sprawling and…
Article on Michigan Lawmakers Pass Right-to-Work Law
Another article of mine was reprinted on Reason’s website, this time on Michigan passing “right-to-work” legislation. Reason is a libertarian magazine that features great commentary and analysis on the pressing issues of our day. Enjoy: Yaël Ossowski | Dec….
Article on How Tampa’s Surveillance State Profited from the Republican National Convention
Another article of mine was reprinted on Reason’s website, showing how the leftover spoils from the Republican National Convention have left a police state in the city of Tampa, Fla. Reason is a libertarian magazine that features…
Article on Florida Weighs Corporate Welfare for New Sports Stadium
Another article of mine was reprinted on Reason’s website, detailing the push for Tampa Bay taxpayers to pick up the tab for a new baseball stadium. Reason is a libertarian magazine that features great commentary and analysis…
Article on Florida Officials Seek to Ban Cell Phone Use in Cars and Public Meetings
Unbeknownst to me, an article I wrote was reprinted on Reason’s website, detailing the creeping efforts of Florida public officials to make ban cell phones in cars and public meetings. Reason is a libertarian magazine…