By Yaël Ossowski / March 3, 2015 / After pushing Americans to contact the FCC and lobby to make the Internet a public utility under Title II, British comedian John Oliver used part of…
Posts tagged
Top GOP contenders seek to change nation’s tune on immigration
By Yaël Ossowski / February 27, 2015 / In the wake of a Texas judge’s decision to halt President Obama’s temporary amnesty for illegal immigrants, derided by most House and Senate Republicans, a quartet…
It’s here: FCC adopts net neutrality, first significant Internet regulation
By Yaël Ossowski / / February 26, 2015 Watched by leagues of passionate activists on both sides, the Federal Communications Commission today passed its first significant Internet regulation by reclassifying it as a Title…
Has the tide turned against the FCC’s plan for regulating the Internet?
By Yaël Ossowski / / February 23, 2015 Whether the public knows it or not, the Internet is set to face its biggest transformation yet when the Federal Communications Commission meets in Washington, D.C….
Mark Cuban: FCC control of Internet ‘scares the sh*t out of me’
By Yaël Ossowski / / February 20, 2015 The idea of the Federal Communications Commission regulating the Internet by way of net neutrality is not only a bad idea in Mark Cuban’s view, but…
States don’t want illegal immigrants, but could they need them?
By Yaël Ossowski / / February 19, 2015 A coalition of 26 states fought and won a battle to freeze President Barack Obama’s deferred action plan to give temporary work visas to illegal immigrants…
Does the NSA have a spy in your hard drive?
A protestor holds up a sign at a rally against the NSA’s spying program. By Yaël Ossowski | | February 18, 2015 A Russian security firm claims to have uncovered a major tool used…
Anonymous is hitting ISIS harder than any government could
By Yaël Ossowski / February 11, 2015 / The hacking collective Anonymous is on the offensive yet again, striking the Islamic State’s many proactive social media users who use sites such as Twitter and…
FCC commissioner: If you like the IRS, you’ll love net neutrality
By Yaël Ossowski / February 9, 2015 / After years of dithering, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler has at last deposited the formal proposal to reclassify Internet as a public utility and subject…
Supreme Court: Cops can pull you over even if you haven’t broken a law
By Yaël Ossowski | In a ruling handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court, the nation’s top court found that a police officer who mistakenly interprets a law and pulls someone over hasn’t violated…