MAN ABOUT THE COUNTRY: Newark Mayor Cory Booker is making the rounds in his campaign as the Democrat’s nominee for U.S. Senate in New Jersey’s special election. By Yaël Ossowski | Special to It…
Posts tagged
Cyber-Security Swindle: The next billion-dollar boondoggle?
RUMORS OF CYBER WAR: President Obama’s State of the Union Address included this hidden stock tip: invest in cyber-security companies with government contracts. By Yaël Ossowski | Special to WASHINGTON, D.C— Speaking to the…
Florida a nationwide leader…in banning drones
Never shy to top the charts, the state of Florida has ganered a unique reputation for its diverse culture and eccentric ways. And according to the American Civil Liberties Union, it deserves praise once more: for being…
The Chuck Hagel witch hunt, brought to you by the Beltway media
By Yaël Ossowski | ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – If one is to believe the mainstream press accounts from the nation’s capital, former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel took a beating from his GOP colleagues during his confirmation hearing…
Lawmaker slams red-light cameras as ‘scam on the poor people’
By Yael Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST. PETERSBURG – Red-light cameras are nothing more than a money-making scheme aimed at the poor, state Sen. Daphne Campbell says. The cameras have nothing to do with actual…
Harassed Miami photographer filing lawsuit against government
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog MIAMI — When private security guards working for the Metrorail system in Miami stopped photographer Carlos Miller last Sunday night for taking pictures, they had no idea they’d be brewing a storm. HEY CITIZEN: Miller…
Florida prepares to be ‘less free’ in 2013
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog LESS FREE: More laws, regulations and taxes are set to leave life tougher for Floridians this year. ST. PETERSBURG — If there was ever anything that needed a New Year’s…
Political corruption a top export in Florida
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST. PETERSBURG — Citrus products and airplane parts may be the most well-known exports from the state of Florida, but if 2012 is any indiciation, political corruption may overtake both…
FL: Bill Nelson’s NASA dreams misfire on the launching pad
By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog ST. PETERSBURG — It’s only once in a blue moon that Democratic and Republican politicians can come to mutual understanding on Capitol Hill, but just this once, Sen. Bill Nelson hopes they’ll…
Article on Michigan Lawmakers Pass Right-to-Work Law
Another article of mine was reprinted on Reason’s website, this time on Michigan passing “right-to-work” legislation. Reason is a libertarian magazine that features great commentary and analysis on the pressing issues of our day. Enjoy: Yaël Ossowski | Dec….