FL: Welcome to Fantasyland: America’s mayors come to Orlando, forget to discuss pension reform

By Yaël Ossowski | Florida Watchdog

ORLANDO— Mayors from cities across the United States have traded the heated council meetings and stressful budget negotiations of their respective municipalities for the sunshine and amusement parks of central Florida.

But despite the scores of elected municipal leaders attending the 80th annual U.S. Conference of Mayors in Orlando, the official agenda forgoes any mention of a growing menace confronting local governments: the growing burden of public-sector pension and benefit liabilities.

Reviewing the 30-page agenda reveals speeches and assembled committees exploring adolescent bullying, the importance of art education, youth obesity, and a forum to showcase the “many unique approaches” to using social media websites such as TwitterFacebook and YouTube.But despite the scores of elected municipal leaders attending the 80th annual U.S. Conference of Mayors in Orlando, the official agenda forgoes any mention of a growing menace confronting local governments: the growing burden of public-sector pension and benefit liabilities.

There are discussions on reconciling religious communities, expanding access to healthy foods and handling vacant properties, all squeezed between trips to SeaWorldUniversal Studios and Walt Disney World.

Read more: Florida Watchdog

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