Après avoir lu La face cachée des banques, écrit par le journaliste Éric Laurent, je me sens un peu sombre. Plus morose que dépressif. Ce n’est pas un sentiment tout à fait neuf quand on…
Posts tagged Blog
Germany’s Recognition of Bitcoin Gives Young People a True Monetary Alternative
By Yaël Ossowski | Young Voices If everyday consumers and young people are craving positive economic indicators, they can no doubt turn to the de-facto legislation of an alternative digital currency in Europe’s most powerful…
Update from Southeast Asia
Greetings to listeners. I’m in the last leg of my long journey across Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia. Because of uncertain Internet connections and general lack of time, I haven’t been able to record a new…
Why the World Needs Translators: Édition Lac-Mégantic
For any run-of-the-mill business based in rural America, mastering the art of a foreign language is seldom present on the all-important list of corporate goals and long-term strategies to guarantee success. But if the events of Lac-Mégantic,…
La liberté d’expression vue comme «la liberté de haïr»?
Dès que j’y retourne au Canada, on propose de modifier la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne au nom de « libéraliser » la liberté d’expression. Le député conservateur Brian Storseth a soumis…
Fêter la Saint-Jean comme un Québécois sans pays
De Gatineau jusqu’en Gaspésie, il y a sans doute de milliers de québécois qui se préparent pour proprement fêter la Saint-Jean Baptiste, connue dans la belle province comme la « fête nationale ». Alors, pour…
Site 2.0 and Learning Small Code
It only took me a few days of background work, but I’ve completed the re-design of the pages I use to represent myself on the net: yael.ca blog.yael.ca news.yael.ca linkblog.yael.ca My intro page has been…
DOCUMENTARY: “Tuscan Love”
“Tuscan Love” Directed by Yaël Ossowski Freiheit Productions My documentary on an excursion to celebrate love in the Tuscan hills of Italy. Discover the rustic towns of Vinci and Monsummano Terme to uncover the beautiful…
Christopher Hitchens: The Tyranny of Censorship
Here is a great speech by essayist and journalist Christopher Hitchens. I came across it while researching Western attitudes toward free speech, specifically in the case of prosecuting individuals for professing certain beliefs. Essayist and author Christopher…
Making the Switch to Ubuntu
Monopolies are never a good thing. Especially not when they’re reinforced by culture, society, and every aspect of business. For the operating system world, at first it was Microsoft. Slowly, it’s becoming Apple. In a…