Privatization, Government Downsizing Are Talk of the Town in Quebec City By Yaël Ossowski – 6. May, 2014, PanAmerican Post Unbeknownst to most political observers and voters in Quebec, Phillippe Couillard and his Liberal Party…
Posts tagged panam post
If Not the Parti Québécois, Who Is Today’s Quebec Secessionist?
A Reset Button for the Quebec Independence Movement is Due By Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post After a whopping defeat in the last provincial election, Quebec secessionists are doing of bit of soul-searching, and with…
When Expatriation Is the Only Option
In Times of Repression, Leaving Your Country May Be Best By YAËL OSSOWSKI | PanAm Post Usually, individuals look for ways to be freer. Among individuals already aware of the mounting problems of ever-repressive tax, police, and social…
The Parti Québécois Electoral Ploy of “Secularism” Will Weaken Quebec
Provincial Leader Debate Shows PQ’s Turn to Irreverent Populism By Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post In 1995, Quebec premier and Parti Québécois (PQ) leader Jacques Parizeau declared in his speech following the province’s failed referendum on secession…
Bitcoin: Responding to the Pessimists
By Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post Worthless, invisible, and impractical. Impossible for the poor to use. A fantasy of the privileged. For devotees of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, these pessimistic criticisms are ceremoniously raised in conversations and…
Latin-American Countries Should Ditch the Dollar for Bitcoin
By Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post In Ukraine, the citizen uprising is beyond bloody. In Venezuela, it’s a full blown crisis. All across the world, people are rising up against their governments and demanding a change to the…
Stephen Harper’s New Election Law Not Worth the Outrage
Canada’s Electoral Reform Answers Critics and Shapes Up System By Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post As per usual in Canadian federal politics, a genuine reform bill is tabled in the House of Commons and an onslaught of…
The Promise of Bitcoin: Alternative Currencies and Anonymous Markets
PanAm Columnist Presents Cryptocurrency to Austrian Libertarian Movement Yaël Ossowski writes the “Question the Narrative” column with the PanAm Post, and he is a true international man — dividing his time between Canada, the United States,…
Rejecting Natural Gas Wealth: Quebec’s Missed Opportunity
Government Thwarting Potential to Be Energy Powerhouse By Yaël Ossowski | PanAmerican Post As a progressive party with green tendencies, the Parti Québécois minority currently at the head of the Quebec provincial government is no friend of…
One Million Canadians to Cuba Every Year. Why Not US Citizens?
American Embargo Impedes the Means for Bottom-Up Change By Yaël Ossowski | PanAm Post (En Español) In the freezing slush and rain of winter, the vacation posters represent total serenity and warmth. “Check out Cuba’s…