By Yaël Ossowski | TRENTON — One is a tea partyer and the other is a Twitter partyer. One runs New Jersey’s most populist city and the other runs the state’s biggest conservative organization….
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The 10 most GIFable moments from the Booker-Lonegan debate
By Yaël Ossowski | There was a grand debate at Channel 6 Studios in Trenton, N.J., on Friday to determine who would be the best candidate for U.S. Senate. There was this guy, Cory Booker, the Democratic candidate…
Billionaire Bloomberg bails out Booker
BIG FRIENDS: This ad for New Jersey U.S. Senate candidate Cory Booker was paid for by NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Super PAC. By Yaël Ossowski | NEWARK, N.J. — A large cornerstone of Newark Mayor Cory Booker‘s campaign…
Establishment sours on Cory Booker in New Jersey Senate race
WANING SUPPORT? A lawn sign for Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate in New Jersey Cory Booker. By Yaël Ossowski | While Newark Mayor Cory Booker‘s fate once seemed written in the stars, it’s now careening ever violently…
What if they held a $24 million election and no one came?
CHRISTIE: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie acknowledges the crowd Tuesday at the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.. By Yaël Ossowski | The idea of a Wednesday election in mid-October is probably the…
Is Cory Booker a ‘rubber stamp’ for Barack Obama?
By Yaël Ossowski | A key part of Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Steve Lonegan‘s campaign consists of tying his Democratic opponent Cory Booker to the administration of President Barack Obama. In a fundraising email Lonegan sent Wednesday,…
Cory Booker labels Steve Lonegan ‘extreme,’ but wants minimum wage hike of 40 percent
By Yaël Ossowski | A new ad released by Newark Mayor Cory Booker‘s campaign for the special U.S. Senate election in New Jersey paints a demagogic picture of his Republican opponent, former Bogota Mayor Steve…
Shutdown sparks New Jersey confusion about Obamacare
Photo by captaincinema. A protester holds up a sign at a health care town hall in Illinois in 2009. By Yaël Ossowski | It’s that time again. The heat of looming deadline turns the nation’s…
Bust: Cory Booker’s 790,000+ fake Twitter followers
By Yaël Ossowski | Special to LYNSIE LEE: Cory Booker’s DM Twitter friend. After Twitter-savvy Newark Mayor Cory Booker‘s TMZ moment with a Portland stripper, the campaign for New Jersey’s special U.S. Senate election has focused in on the micro-blogging…
Cory Booker Inc.: How the Newark mayor uses his charity to prop up pals
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, left to right, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and talk show host Oprah Winfrey discuss Zuckerberg’s $100 million investment into Newark Public Schools. By Yaël Ossowski |…