
Gerry Dionne: An Elegy to a Journeyman

Earlier this month, the curtain fell on a man of irreplicable passion, small snippets of wisdom, and love for humanity. Gerry Dionne, a man I’ve known for the better part of two decades, played out his swan song on December 4, 2021. Gerry, the father of my friend JR, was always a bit culturally aloof in our small conservative town in suburban North Carolina. Here…

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Reckoning with insurance for better patient choice in healthcare

A new Senate bill seeks to take the hassle of dealing with healthcare companies away from patients and into the hands of insurance companies. Although it falls short of the mark, this bill is a step in the right direction toward sensible healthcare reform in Pennsylvania. By Yaël Ossowski | Broad & Liberty Regardless of your job, your income, or where you live, we’ve all…

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We should celebrate entrepreneurs, not fear them

CORPORATE TAX Regarding “A tax rate some (but not all) NC businesses will love,“ (Nov. 19 Opinion): Raleigh and Charlotte are among the fastest-growing metros in the country for a reason: Our state creates incentives for people to move, live and bring their entrepreneurial spirits with them. Lowering the costs of doing business and providing value to consumers and employees is a magnanimous feat that…

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Crypto Hunters: Why Elites are Anxious About Cryptocurrencies

Over the last decade, while we have lived through the ebbs and flows of global crises, triumphs, and changes, a ‘paradigm shift’ has been happening across a network of interconnected computers. This shift began in 2008 when the pseudonymous ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ unveiled his new project: a trustless peer-to-peer network of monetary transactions that would be recorded on a decentralized public ledger. This new version of ‘electronic…

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The obscure UN conflab that seeks to cut off the world from vaping and harm reduction

By Yaël Ossowski | Parliament Magazine While most popular attention this month has been on the vital discussions at the United Nation’s COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, there is an equally important UN conference happening in Geneva that also contemplates the fate of millions of lives. There are also questions on the importance of science, the role of activists and industry, and how humanity…

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Albany lawmakers fall for fake Beepocalypse narrative

Why is New York denying the science and doubling down on the fake Beepocalypse narrative? We all remember the adage “Save the Bees!” that scientists and beekeepers have promoted. It animated environmental activists for a decade. There was even an Obama White House national “Honey Bee” strategy to get to the bottom of “Colony Collapse Disorder.” At the time, we believed bee populations had been…

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Yaël Ossowski hosts WFBT Big Talker 106.7FM Morning Show (11/02/2021)

Yaël Ossowski hosts Big Talker mornings on WFBT Big Talker 106.7FM in Wilmington, North Carolina. GUESTS:—Eric Peterson of the Pelican Institute and Young Voices—Connor Tomlinson of the British Conservation Alliance and Young Voices—TK Turbo November 2, 2021 Music: Richard https://bigtalkerfm.com

The Final Ride (Yaël on the very last Mornings with Joe Catenacci on Big Talker 106.7FM)

Celebrating Joe Catenacci’s last show as a radio host on Big Talker 106.7FM. -Let’s simplify insurance for better care Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski on the Joe Catenacci Show. This was broadcast on October 29, 2021, on The Big Talker WFBT 106.7FM Radio: Listen to Consumer Choice Radio: Website: Apple: Spotify: Produced by the Consumer Choice Center:

Why Democratic Control of the FCC Won’t Bode Well for Internet Freedom

Late Tuesday afternoon, President Joe Biden revealed his nominations to the Federal Communications Commission. As one would expect, his two nominations — Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn — come from Democratic circles and have upheld progressive priorities for telecom policies. Rosenworcel has been a commissioner since 2012 and served as acting chair since Ajit Pai left at the beginning of Biden’s term. She would be…

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