Yaël Ossowski (@YaelOss) guest hosts the Mornings with Joe Catenacci radio show on Big Talker 106.7FM in Wilmington, North Carolina. Guests: — Stephen Kent: How the Force Can Fix the World — Rick Henderson: Markets and Social Trust — Morgan Rinehart: Why you Might Be a Neoliberal — Rachel Chiu: Food deliveries, disinformation dozen, socialism vs. capitalism — Bill Wirtz: Innovative Agriculture in the U.S….
Lab Leakers | Yaël on Big Talker FM
-Vaccine passport protests in Europe -Do bureaucracies ever give up power? -A Danish WHO representative said we should take another look at the lab leak hypothesis -What the Senate debated about crypto currencies and why it matters -It’s all about the dollar -UN IPCC report: Let’s have some faith in innovation and human ingenuity Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski on the Joe Catenacci…
Replace them all with a computer that only says “Yes” | Yaël on Big Talker FM
-Praise for all the moms and dads out there -A quick take on the US Senate candidates in NC -The infrastructure bill wants to hike “user fees” and taxes on cryptocurrencies: what will that mean for the Average Joe? A lot. -North Carolina’s alcohol control system is incomplete, and every local board should be replaced with a computer that only says “yes” Consumer Choice Center…
Bestechung gegen Vaping: Leaks über die Bloomberg-finanzierte “Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids”
Den Menschen in Deutschland ist der Milliardär Michael Bloomberg vor allem als ehemaliger Bürgermeister von New York City bekannt, der eine Menge Geld für eine unglückliche Präsidentschaftskandidatur verpulvert hat. Aber auf der ganzen Welt hat sein Netzwerk von Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen und Interessensgruppen, die er mit Millionen von Dollar an Zuschüssen versorgt, eine Art Privatregierung errichtet. Diese nimmt Einfluss auf Regierungschefs, finanziert Gehälter von Beamten des öffentlichen…
Praising the Republic of Georgia | Yaël on Big Talker FM
-What to know about the Republic of Georgia -The Rose Revolution, Free-Market Reforms, and Privatizations -What the threat of Russia means -The Havana Syndrome again in Vienna! -Biden’s executive order and the good things that could come from it. Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski interviewed on the Joe Catenacci Show. This was broadcast on July 23, 2021, on The Big Talker WFBT 106.7FM…
Consumer Choice, Biden’s EOs, & Practical Policy vs Regulation
I was invited on Andrew Donaldson’s podcast Heard Tell. It was great fun! Hope you tune in. Yael Ossowski from the Consumer Choice Center helps us turn down the news cycle noise on President Biden’s latest Executive Order on “encouraging competition” from his latest piece breaking the EO from Real Clear Markets. Also, as someone who splits their time between Europe and America, we get…
Some Bright Spots In President Biden’s Executive Order on Competition
Earlier this month, as Americans finished up the 4-day work week to enjoy midsummer weather, President Biden unveiled an executive order on promoting competition in our economy. While it contains several aspects that could negatively impact consumers, there are also some bright spots that could help spark new innovations, remove red tape, and help reduce prices. For one, Biden’s executive order creates a new White House Competition…
Dental Insurance Is the Next Industry That Badly Needs Reform
In the last decade, most debate and discussion on reforms related to healthcare have focused on Americans’ general health insurance plans and costs. And for good reason. And though our health system is convoluted and complicated, it gets even more complex when we examine what is happening with dental care. The intersection of hefty insurance premiums, confusing government benefits, and a red tape bonanza keep…
Stores on the American founding | Yaël on Big Talker FM
-Comparing American independence to other countries -History of decentralization -What there is to be proud of Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski interviewed on the Joe Catenacci Show. This was broadcast on July 2, 2021, on The Big Talker WFBT 106.7FM Radio: http://bigtalkerfm.com Listen to Consumer Choice Radio Website: http://consumerchoiceradio.com Apple: http://apple.co/2G7avA8 Spotify: http://spoti.fi/3iXIKIS Produced by the Consumer Choice Center: http://consumerchoicecenter.org
Why Americans Don’t Have Cheap Flights
-Greek vacation paradise -Why Americans don’t have cheap flights -The need for sunset clauses on regulations -The NC vs. Juul lawsuit settlement and why it matters for vapers Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski interviewed on the Joe Catenacci Show. This was broadcast on June 29, 2021, on The Big Talker WFBT 106.7FM Radio: http://bigtalkerfm.com Listen to Consumer Choice Radio Website: http://consumerchoiceradio.com Apple: http://apple.co/2G7avA8 Spotify: http://spoti.fi/3iXIKIS Produced by…