
Yaël Ossowski: Simplify insurance for better health care

By Yaël Ossowski | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette It is an unfortunate fact that most everyone has a health care insurance horror story. In our overly complex and convoluted health care system, even routine checkups and minor appointments sometimes snowball into bureaucratic exercises of patience and will. While we thought health insurance would solve these issues, for some it has been made worse. Whether at the primary…

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The Digital Economy Minister Crusading to Legalize Vaping in Thailand

In our work promoting smart policies on harm reduction around the world, the Consumer Choice Center is often engaged in battles to stave off vaping flavor bans or tax hikes that will harm consumers and smokers looking to quit. And while those efforts are vital to individuals moving away from tobacco in liberal democracies, there are countries outside that sphere that still maintain outright bans or harsh…

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Facebook failures may be real, but the case for increased censorship is weak

By Yaël Ossowski | Washington Examiner Once the so-called Facebook whistleblower revealed her identity and story, it was only a matter of time before the public imagination of one of the largest social networking sites would go off the rails. What Frances Haugen released to the Wall Street Journal in her initial leaks, which it dubbed the “Facebook Files ,” detailed how Facebook had made decisions on which accounts to…

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The UN-led gambit to curb innovation in the developing world is only blocking prosperity

Why the risk-avoiding ‘Stockholm Convention’ endorses harmful bans and stunts progress where it is needed most… Among developed nations, one of the most significant drivers of economic growth and prosperity has been the ability of our innovators, scientists, and entrepreneurs to deliver great products to the consumers who need them. We need only think of the advances in washing machine technology, which has freed up hours of…

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Yaël Ossowski on Wilmington Talk Radio WFBT 106.7FM: Sen. Warren on crypto, Nicki Minaj vax

Broadcast on September 17, 2021 on WFBT Big Talker 106.7FM, Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski filling in for morning show host Joe Catenacci. 0:00 — Joe Catenacci Trailer 0:55 — Yaël Intro 02:14 — Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to mess up everything related to cryptocurrency (#taxtherich?) 06:30 — Financial protection or financial freedom? 16:37 — California recall election fails and who is left…

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Vax Mandates and the Enforcers | Yaël on Big Talker FM

-A national vaccine mandate means more power for police and bureaucrats in our neighborhoods and jobs -The FDA process to review vaping device applications is the ultimate lesson in legal uncertainty -Apple’s plan to snoop on your photos…for the children! Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski on the Joe Catenacci Show. This was broadcast on September 10, 2021, on The Big Talker WFBT 106.7FM…

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The Ghosts of Extremism

On December 16, 2016, Berlin residents and tourists were sipping mulled wine, chowing down sausages, and marveling at the glowing Christmas trees that filled the Breitscheidplatz in the German capital. Moments later, disaster struck: a semi-truck with Polish license plates plowed through the crowds of holiday shoppers, destroying vendor stands, and sending debris flying across the square. It was the worst terrorist attack Germany had…

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The Smart Way to Think About Crypto Regulation

Within the usually boring procedure of shepherding another massive infrastructure bill through Congress last month, a fiery debate erupted over the future of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. The Senate bill contained broad language to ensure tax and regulatory compliance on all cryptocurrency transactions, regardless of origin, as a revenue generator. However, traditional financial transactions cannot compare to the complex algorithmic crypto world of mining, staking, rewards, and…

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Everybody is Winging It All The Time | Yaël on Big Talker FM

-The COVID restrictions on parents in birth centers and hospitals are madness -Are we able to determine risk anymore? -Everybody is just winging it, and the sooner we realize it the better -Afghanistan failures and the churning of bureaucracy  Consumer Choice Center Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski on the Joe Catenacci Show. This was broadcast on August 27, 2021, on The Big Talker WFBT 106.7FM Radio:…

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