
‘Another sad day for Connecticut’ as $2 billion tax hike set to pass

By Yaël Ossowski  / June 1, 2015  / He once promised to balance Connecticut’s books through spending cuts alone. Now Gov. Dannel Malloy says he’s ready to OK a nearly $2 billion tax increase no later than June 3, when the legislative session ends. A new budget, passed by the Democratic supermajority on Monday, will raise the state’s top tax bracket to 6.99 percent,…

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Speech in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

On Saturday, 23. May I gave a speech at an event organized by my friend and European Students For Liberty Chairman Stoyan Panchev in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It was my speech on Free Immigration: Defending the Right to Live and Work Anywhere and Everywhere. Plovdiv was the 5th city and Bulgaria the 4th country I’ve given this speech in.

At education summit, opponents protest success of charter schools in New Orleans

By Yaël Ossowski | Charter schools in New Orleans have enjoyed growing popular support over the years, but at least one group is hoping to quell the praise for reforms. The Dignity in Schools Campaign, a nonprofit group against zero-tolerance behavior policies in schools, brought their protest signs to the American Federation for Children Policy Summit held in New Orleans over the weekend to…

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DISH CEO Charlie Ergen flooded GOP with cash while it held FCC

By Yaël Ossowski | Anywhere the wind blows in politics, the money is sure to follow. As for DISH Network CEO Charles Ergen, a top political financier in the U.S. wireless broadcast game and regulation, it hasn’t just been a one-sided venture. Reported by on Monday, Ergen’s hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations to top Democratic leaders, those who lobbied the FCC…

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Charles Ergen dished cash to Dems to push FCC special treatment

By Yaël Ossowski  / May 11, 2015 / Dish Network founder and CEO Charles Ergen’s political giving reveals support for politicians who lobbied the Federal Communications Commission to reserve spectrum space for small companies — spectrum that Ergen then won in the FCC’s controversial January auction. In a May 2014 letter to FCC chairman Tom Wheeler obtained by, six senators, all Democrats, asked…

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Despite minority student success, charter school segregation narrative continues

By Yaël Ossowski  / April 28, 2015  / At the recent Education Writers Association national seminar in Chicago, a small breakout session asked the following question: Is school choice a tool for opportunity and equity, or further segregation? Following the latest negative spin on charter schools around the country, it seems most education journalists decidedly choose the latter. “If you’re an education writer and…

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Patrick Ossowski — Entrevue à 5 à 7, RadioX Québec

Comme je l’ai toujours dit, je suis très fier de mes racines. Soit mes racines québécoises ou mes racines dans le NASCAR, le dernier qu’implique ma famille depuis vingt ans. Donc c’était un plaisir d’écouter mon père en plein discussion à RadioX la semaine passée, une entrevue il a accordé à l’émission 5 à 7. Voici le clip de l’entrevue que j’ai mis sur YouTube…

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Advocates claim NC charter school segregation report ‘false and disingenuous’

By Yaël Ossowski  / April 21, 2015  / The charter school community in North Carolina is rising up against a study put together by Duke University scholars that argues charter school segregation is giving white students an advantage over black students. “I find the claims that public charter schools perpetuate segregation across our state to be both false and disingenuous,” Darrell Allison, president of…

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